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To provide video on demand

  1. Obtain the video content you want to stream. You can create the content yourself, or purchase or license the content as necessary. The recording should be high quality and in a format that is convenient for encoding.
  2. Prepare the content for streaming. If necessary, edit the video to achieve the desired playing time, arrangement, and tone. Encode the video and save it as a Windows Media file. Windows Media Encoder includes several broadband encoding profiles that you can use to achieve a specific result. For example, if you intend to include interstitial advertisements in your content, consider encoding the video as several sequential video files. Store the content files either on the Windows Media server or in a location on your network. For more information about encoding content, see Windows Media Encoder Help.
  3. Reference the video content in your on-demand publishing point:
  4. Choose a method to generate revenue from your content. The Windows Media Rights Manager Software Development Kit (SDK) provides you with several commercial access options, such as pay-per-view or subscription services, depending on your business model. For more information about the methods for streaming protected Windows Media-based content, see the Windows Media Rights Manager SDK.
  5. Protect your content from unauthorized access. Configure and enable the authentication and authorization plug-ins that you want to use to control access to your content. For more information about authentication and authorization, see Understanding authentication and Understanding authorization.
  6. You can configure and enable a logging plug-in to collect client usage data and publishing point performance information. Using data from the log files, you can create reports to verify that your system is performing as expected. Additional logs can be generated to record the performance of specific advertisements within the broadcast. You can then give these specialized logs to your advertisers. For more information about logging, see Understanding logging.
  7. Use the Unicast Announcement Wizard to create an announcement file that you can add to a Web page or provide to users as a network share location.

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