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To configure the WMS Unicast Data Writer plug-in

  1. Click the server for which you want to configure the plug-in.
  2. In the details pane, click the Properties tab, and then select the Show all plug-in categories check box.
  3. In Category, click Unicast streaming.
  4. In the Windows Media Services snap-in, in Plug-in, click WMS Unicast Data Writer, and then click Properties.


    In Windows Media Services Administrator for the Web, click WMS Unicast Data Writer.

    WMS Unicast Data Writer Properties appears.

  5. Do any of the following:
    To Do this
    Allow unicast transmission of data using MMS and RTSP protocols through UDP Select the UDP check box.
    Allow unicast transmission of data using RTSP and HTTP through TCP Select the TCP check box.

  6. Do one of the following:
    To Do this
    To have the content stream determine the optimum packet size for streaming when using a UDP-based RTSP protocol (RTSPU) Click Use default packet size from content.
    To specify the number of bytes that each streaming packet should contain when using a UDP-based RTSP protocol (RTSPU) Click Use maximum packet size (in bytes), and then type a packet size value in the space provided. The default is 1452 bytes.

  7. In the details pane, click Enable.

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