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Sourcing from an encoder

When an encoder is providing a stream for a broadcast, it can either push the stream to the server or the server can pull it from the encoder. When pushing a stream, the encoder initiates the connection with the server; on the other hand, when pulling the stream from the encoder, the server initiates the connection. The decision whether to push or pull depends upon your situation.

Pushing the stream from the encoder is useful if the encoder is behind a firewall or if the encoder administrator needs to be in control of the broadcast. For information on how to configure your server to broadcast content from an encoder, see To broadcast content pushed from an encoder.

Pulling the stream from the encoder is useful in several scenarios. First, if there are multiple distribution servers, all connecting at different times, each server can initiate the connection when it is ready to stream. In addition, pulling a stream from an encoder is useful if you need to minimize bandwidth usage between the server and encoder. For example, the server administrator can add a publishing point and configure it to start automatically, which means that the server doesn't initiate the connection with the encoder until the first client connects. This eliminates unnecessary bandwidth use between the server and the encoder. Pulling from the encoder is also useful when the server is behind a firewall.

Whether you decide to use push or pull to receive the stream from the encoder, the following rules apply:

To receive the content, users type the URL of the publishing point in their players; for example, mms://servername/publishing_point_name.

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