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The ReminderSetproperty gets and sets a value that indicates whether the user wants a reminder to complete the Task. The default is the current setting for the Tasks application.

To set the value of the ReminderSetproperty, call the property method described here.

To get the value of the ReminderSetproperty, see the ITask::get_ReminderSetproperty method.


HRESULT put_ReminderSet(



[in] Reference to the Boolean flag. VARIANT_TRUEwhen the user wants a reminder to complete the Task. For information about the VARIANT_BOOLtype, see the union member of the PROPVARIANTstructure.

Return Value

This method returns the standard values E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_FAIL, as well as the following:


The method completed successfully.


When the user marks a Task as Complete and then saves it, the reminder flag is automatically cleared internally, even though the Task's ReminderSetproperty might still be VARIANT_TRUEwhen the user saves the Task. When the user reacquires the completed Task item from the Task Collection, the value of its ReminderSetproperty will be VARIANT_FALSE.

The VARIANT_BOOLdata type (also known as VT_BOOL) uses the value -1 to represent TRUEand 0 to represent FALSE. It is defined in the wtypes.hheader file in the following manner:

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typedef short 

A common programming error occurs when, for readability purposes, you want to set a VARIANT_BOOLvalue to TRUEor FALSE. You can achieve the same effect by using the aliases VARIANT_TRUEand VARIANT_FALSE, which are also defined in the wtypes.hheader file.

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Header pimstore.h
Library Pimstore.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also