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Displays the "Select Picture" dialog box.

Assembly:Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms (in microsoft.windowsmobile.forms.dll)



This is a modal dialog box.


This sample shows how to call and display the custom dialog box for selecting pictures. The resulting dialog will:

  • Filter out image files by displaying only .JPG and .BMP files.

  • Launch the dialog in the '\My Device\My Images' directory

  • Display a custom title.

Copy Code
SelectPictureDialog pickerDialog = new SelectPictureDialog();

pickerDialog.Filter = "Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG)|*.BMP;*.JPG";
pickerDialog.InitialDirectory = @"\My Device\My Images";
pickerDialog.Title ="Select an image file";


Thread Safety

Any public static ( Sharedin Visual Basic) members of this type are thread-safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

See Also