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To programmatically show or hide the input panel, use the SHSipPreferencefunction. The SHSipPreferencefunction uses a timer when SIP_DOWNis used. If SIP_UPis called before the timer is triggered, the input panel remains in place, preventing it from appearing and disappearing as the user moves from control to control. SIP_FORCEDOWNimmediately hides the input panel without using a timer.

The Windows Embedded CE WC_SIPPREFcontrol is used to automatically implement default input panel behavior for a dialog box. Generally, any control in the system that accepts text input should display the input panel when the control gains focus and should hide the input panel when the control loses focus.

The WC_SIPPREFcontrol should be used as the last control in a dialog box template. To use the WC_SIPPREFcontrol, the application must first call SHInitExtraControls.

When the WC_SIPPREFcontrol is created, it enumerates all sibling controls. In addition, WC_SIPPREFimplements the correct input panel behavior for each of the following controls:

When edit controls use WC_SIPPREF, they have automatic shortcut menu support for Cut, Copy, Paste, and so on.

See Also