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This example queries the IMAP account of the first example for the service name, service type, and incoming serverparameters, showing how to query an existing account to capture any parameter individually (both standard and nonstandard).

Braces {} are required around the GUID in the EMAIL2 Configuration Service Provider. For example, if the GUID is "C556E16F-56C4-4edb-9C64-D9469EE1FBE0," you would change <characteristic type="{GUID}" to <characteristic type="{C556E16F-56C4-4edb-9C64-D9469EE1FBE0}"

Code Example

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<characteristic type="EMAIL2">
	<parm-query name="SERVICENAME"/>
	<parm-query name="SERVICETYPE"/>
	<characteristic type="TAGPROPS">
		 <parm-query name="0x8125001F"/>


One provisioning XML file typically contains configuration information for multiple Configuration Service Providers. To use this example, you must replace the values as appropriate, and add the node as a child of the OMA Client Provisioning file. For information about the syntax of this file, see OMA Client Provisioning Files. For examples, see OMA Client Provisioning XML File Examples.

In Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later, CEMAPI Named Properties were replaced with fixed Property Tag Identifiers, which are defined in the Cemapi.h header file. These nonstandard extensions to MAPI are distinguished from desktop MAPI properties by the CEmoniker. Hence, the named property TMAIL:IncomingServeris now PR_CE_INCOMING_SERVER. This CEMAPI property is defined in the Cemapi.h header file as follows:

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// Mail server for receiving mail.

In the Parameter Query Example, <parm-query name="0x8125001F"/>was created by combining the Property ID (0x8125), with the Property Type (PT_UNICODE)—in the same way that the PROP_TAGmacro would. This results in a DWORD value with the HIWORD containing 0x8125, and the LOWORD containing 0x001F, which gives PR_CE_INCOMING_SERVERa value of 0x8125001F. For more information, see MAPI Properties.

See Also