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The IBaseFilter::EnumPinsmethod returns this interface. It is based on the IEnumXprotocol of the Component Object Model (COM).

Actions that cause the number of pins to change might cause the enumerator to fail.

When to Implement

This interface must be implemented and made available by the IBaseFilter::EnumPinsmethod. The CBaseFilter::EnumPinsmember function automatically does this in the DirectShow class library and uses the CEnumPinsclass to create the enumerator object.

When to Use

This interface is normally used by the filter graph manager when connecting filters. It can, however, be used by an application that must find the pins associated with filters in the filter graph — for example, to add another filter to the graph.

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods that appear in the Vtable beneath the standard COM methods inherited from IUnknown.

Method Description


Puts pointers to IPininterfaces for the next pins into the specified array.


Skips the specified number of pins.


Resets the position to the beginning so that the next call to the IEnumPins::Nextmethod returns, at a minimum, the first pin of the filter.


Provides another enumerator, which is a duplicate of the current one.


Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.12 and later
Windows Mobile Pocket PC for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later, Smartphone for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later
Note Microsoft DirectShow applications and DirectShow filters have different include file and Library requirements
For more information, see Setting Up the Build Environment