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Wireless Session Protocol (WSP) defines the methods that client and server applications use to exchange content, such as provisioning files. The methods that WSP defines include procedures for establishing and releasing sessions, the level of protocol functionality, content exchange with compact encoding, and procedures for suspending and resuming sessions. WSP uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 1.1 functionality. For more detailed information about WSP, see the WAP Wireless Session Protocol Specification (OMA-WAP-TS-WSP-V1_0-20020920-C), available from this OMA Web site .

The following table shows the features that are required by the Push Router, such as connectionless unsecure push features. It does not list all of the WSP features that guided Windows Mobile development.

WSP feature Description

WSP_CL_C001 Push Protocol Data Unit (PDU) for Push Messages

The Push Protocol Data Unit (PDU) is used for sending messages without receipt confirmation from the device, as described in "Service Primitives" and "Push and Confirmed Push Facilities" in the WAP Wireless Session Protocol Specification.

WSP_CL_C002 Default Header Encoding Page

Default header encoding pages are implemented as described in "Header Encoding" in the WAP Wireless Session Protocol Specification. The SECand MACparameter assigned numbers — used by content-type — from the WAP WSP 2.0 specification are also valid.

Windows phone and Windows Mobile Professional support only the token text encoded macattribute. Windows Mobile Professional does not support the quoted text encoded macattribute.

See Also