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This method displays a dialog box that lets the user select among the file filtering options supported by a file filter.


STDMETHODIMP IPegasusFileFilter::FilterOptions(



[in] Handle to the parent window for the filtering options dialog box.

Return Value

NOERROR indicates success. If an error occurs, the appropriate HRESULTvalue is returned.


A file filter that includes user-selectable conversion options should implement an FilterOptionsmethod. The mobile Internet browser calls the filter's FilterOptionsmethod when the user selects a supported conversion type from the conversion selection dialog box and presses the Optionsbutton, which is not supported for Windows CE 1.0. FilterOptionsshould display a dialog box that lets the user select among the conversion options supported by the file filter.

Note that a file filter only needs to support the FilterOptionsmethod if the HasOptionsnamed value exists in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\ CLSID \PegasusFilterkey.


Header replfilt.h
Library coredll.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 1.01 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later