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Locating a particular PIM item within the Outlook Mobile database involves calling the IPOutlookItemCollection::Findmethod on the collection.

The Outlook Mobile database consists of three separate PIM item lists contained in the three OlDefaultFolders: the Appointments folder, the Tasks folder, and the Contacts folder.

To find a task by subject

  1. Create an instance of the Outlook Mobile application object and then use it to establish a POOM session. For more information, see Establishing a POOM Session.

  2. Declare a reference to a generic PIM item collection:

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    IPOutlookItemCollection *pItems;
  3. Declare a reference to a generic PIM item folder:

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    IFolder *pFolder;
  4. Declare a reference to a Task item:

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    ITask *pFoundTask;
  5. Use the generic PIM item folder to get the Tasks folder:

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    polApp->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderTasks, &pFolder);
  6. Use the Tasks folder to get the collection of Task items:

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  7. Search the collection of Task items for an item that matches your search criteria:

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    pItems->Find(_T("[Subject] = \"meeting\""),
    reinterpret_cast<IDispatch **>(&pFoundTask));


The following code example demonstrates how to retrieve a Task item from the Tasks folder, based on the information in its Subjectproperty.

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BSTR restriction = "[Subject] = \"meeting\"";

void FindTask(IPOutlookApp *polApp, ITask *pFoundTask, BSTR
	IPOutlookItemCollection * pItems;
	IFolder				 * pFolder;

	polApp->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderTasks, &pFolder)
	pItems->Find(_T(restriction), reinterpret_cast<IDispatch

To make the code example easier to read, security checking and error handling are not included.

This code example should not be used in a release configuration unless it has been modified to include them.

Compiling the Code

  • Include Header File: PimStore.h

  • Linker Dependency: PimStore.lib

See Also