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These flags indicate how a named property is created. They are used with the IPOutlookApp2::GetIDsFromNamesmethod's ulFlagsparameter. The following table shows the options the parameter can take. These can be combined with the bitwise OR.

Option Value Description



Creates the named property if it does not already exist.



Specifies whether the named property should be indexed for faster Find functionality.

Used only if the PIM_CREATEflag is set.



Specifies whether the named property should not be copied along with the rest of the item's properties when a copy of the item is made.

Used only if the PIM_CREATEflag is set.


Header pimstore.h
Library Pimstore.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later
Windows Mobile Pocket PC for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later, Smartphone for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also