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Most getXbyYfunctions are translated by Ws2.dll to a WSALookupServiceBegin, WSALookupServiceNext, WSALookupServiceEndsequence that uses one of a set of special GUIDs as the service class. These GUIDs identify the type of getXbyYoperation that is being emulated. The query is constrained to those NSPs that support AF_INET. Whenever a getXbyYfunction returns a hostentor serventstructure, Ws2.dll will specify the LUP_RETURN_BLOB flag in WSALookupServiceBeginso that the desired information will be returned by the NSP. These structures must be modified slightly in that the pointers contained within must be replaced with offsets that are relative to the start of the binary large object (BLOB) data. All values referenced by these pointer members must, of course, be completely contained within the BLOB, and all strings are ASCII.

See Also