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The GetMenuCapabilitymethod queries a Messaging add-in that implements the IMessageFormEx2interface, to determine if it supports a particular command bar menu. This method provides an alternate mechanism to the one used by IMessageFormEx::GetMenuCapabilities—and uses an approach that supports hundreds of menu items.


HRESULT GetMenuCapability (
  BOOL * 



[in] A single command bar capability constant. This includes constants from both the Standard and Extended set. For information, see Message Form Host Command Bar Capability Flags.


[out] A reference to a BOOLEAN value that indicates whether the Messaging add-in supports the menu option.

Return Value

This method returns the standard values E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_FAIL, as well as the following:


Indicates success.


A single Command Bar Capability Constantis passed in, and a BOOLEAN value is passed back, which identifies the menu option as either enabled or disabled.

A Messaging add-in must implement the IMessageFormEx2interface in order to add menu capabilities beyond those in the Standard set of MESSAGEFORMHOST2_CMDBARCAPflags. For information on the extended set of command bar capability constants, see Message Form Host Command Bar Capability Flags.


Header cemapi.h
Library cemapi.lib
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile 6 Classic and later, Windows Mobile 6 Professional and later, Windows Mobile 6 Standard and later

See Also