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This function converts a numeric LDAP error code into a character string describing the error.


UNICODE PTCHAR ldap_err2string(



[in] LDAP error code as returned by another LDAP function.

Return Value

This function always returns NULL.


Call ldap_err2stringto convert any numeric LDAP error code into an informative, null-terminated character string message that describes the error. Be aware that some of the asynchronous calls return -1. In this case, use LdapGetLastErrorto retrieve the LDAP error code, and then use ldap_err2stringon that value.

The return value is a static pointer to the character string. Do not free this string.


Header winldap.h
Library wldap32.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also