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This element allows you to group settings. The first entry under the top-level OMA Client Provisioning documentelement is the characteristicelement, which refers to a specific configuration service provider.

To further group settings, characteristic elements may used within a configuration service provider characteristic element.



Indicates the configuration service provider to which the settings belong.


This attribute is used in the Microsoft–specific section of a continuous provisioning WAP connectivity document. It indicates that the associated characteristic is a Network Access Point (NAP) or proxy ID.

This attribute is required when updating or deleting existing NAPs or Proxies and must be set to 1.

If the mwidattribute is 1, then the type's value in this characteristic is an identifier (ID). If the mwidattribute does not exist, then the characteristicelement does not represent a WAP connectivity NAP or a proxy ID.


Indicates whether certain strings provided in the typeattribute must be translated to other formats or strings.

By default, the translationattribute does not exist and no translation is required.

The installvalue is used by application installation management to translate embedded CE strings and the %InstallDir% variable.


This element may also be nested to indicate the path for the setting.

See Also