This is retired content. This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This content may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

The following illustration shows the FDRM engine flow when downloading FDRM-protected content with Internet Explorer Mobile

The FDRM engine is responsible in full for the OMA Generic Content Download OTA. The mobile Internet browser can download content if there is no Download Descriptor present. If a Download Descriptor is received, the FDRM engine should provide the analysis of the downloaded content or download descriptor to determine if the content can be used on the device and then handle the rest of the content download.

The executable filename for the FDRM engine download agent, listed as "DRM Engine-** [filename]", in the Flow 1 diagram should be replaced with the exact third party executable name.

The following table shows the image set associated with each screen shown in the previous illustration.

Screen Image set Description

Screen 1

Image Set 5

Content should be shell executed. If rights are not valid, then the appropriate warning should be given to the user as per the following UI flows.

Screen 2

Image Set 4

File cannot be downloaded.

In Windows Mobile software, the mobile Internet browser Save Aslocation UI is used so that the user can determine where they want the content stored. The content is saved to the chosen location and saved with the filename chosen by the user. The FDRM engine helps protects the content in this location and saves the content with the filename chosen by the user.

See Also