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Because no speaker-dependent engine is provided in the Adaptation Kit, you must enable the speaker-dependent speech engine that you provide. To enable your speaker-dependent engine, you must edit the Platform.reg and Platform.bib files. You must add settings to enable speech support to your Platform.reg registry file. You must specify the speaker-dependent speech engine file in your Platform.bib file.

When Windows Mobile boots, it checks the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Speech\Engineregistry key to determine whether the speech-dependent engine is enabled.

To enable speaker-dependent support for Windows Mobile powered devices
  1. License and implement a third-party speaker-dependent engine that is a COM component.

    The speaker-dependent engine you choose must be written to comply with the SAPI Lite interface.
  2. To register the COM component's CLSID, create the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Speech\Engineregistry key.

    Give it the following name/value pair by adding the following code to the Platform.reg file:

    Copy Code
    "Engine" = <CLSID> 

    CLSID is a string representation of the engine Class ID.

  3. Register the COM component.

    For more information, see See COM Registry Keys and CLSID Key on MSDN for more information.

  4. Include the speaker-dependent speech engine file in your ROM image by adding the file to your Platform.bib file.

    The following code example shows how to add a file to the .bib file.

    Copy Code
    speaker-dependentengine.dll> $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\<
    speaker-dependentengine.dll> NK	SC

When you update Platform.bib to include a file, specify the following items:

  • The source and image file name.

  • The region of the MEMORY section defined as RAMIMAGE type. Each run-time image has only one RAMIMAGE region.

  • The file attributes in the run-time image.

See Also