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The groundwork to uninstall an application takes place during an installation, when the Configuration Manager saves an XML rollback document that contains information about any changes that are made. During an uninstall, this rollback document is passed to the Uninstall Configuration Service Provider, which runs it as an uninstall script.

When an application is uninstalled, the Configuration Manager removes the application according to the instructions in the uninstall document created during the installation process. This process is automatic, and requires no further action on the part of the application packager.

The following table shows how applications can be removed from Windows Mobile devices.

Platform type Description

Windows Mobile Professional and Windows Mobile Classic 

Applications can be removed using the following methods.

  • The ActiveSync uninstall feature, Add or Remove Programs.

  • The Remove Programsitem on the Settingstab. A user can remove only one application at a time using this method.

  • The manager of the device uses an uninstall XML configuration file. By sending the appropriate uninstall provisioning XML file to the Configuration Manager, the registry keys, files, and settings associated with an application can be removed from the device remotely.

Windows Mobile Standard

Applications can be removed by:

  • The ActiveSync uninstall feature, Add or Remove Programs.

  • The Remove Programsitem on the Settingstab. A user can remove only one application at a time using this method.

  • The manager of the device uses an uninstall XML configuration file. By sending the appropriate uninstall provisioning XML file to the Configuration Manager, the registry keys, files, and settings associated with an application can be removed from the device remotely.

See Also