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This method returns the sharpness setting of this RenderingControl instance.


virtual DWORD GetSharpness(
  unsigned short* 
) = 0;



[in, out] Sharpness setting of this RenderingControl instance. Corresponds to the Sharpness state variable.

Return Value

Custom implementations can return appropriate error codes. Should return SUCCESS_AV if the method succeeds. Otherwise, should return an error code defined in WinError.h or UPnP.h, or one of the UPnP AV-specific return values specified in UPnPAVError, especially the following errors documented for this action in the RenderingControl DCP documentation:




This method corresponds to the RenderingControl service's GetSharpness action.

The RenderingControl service does not require that this method be implemented. The IRenderingControlImplclass therefore overrides this method to return ERROR_AV_UPNP_INVALID_ACTION.

For more information about the actions in the RenderingControl service, see UPnP AV DCP Documentation.


Header av_upnp.h
Library Av_upnp.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also