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Security Configuration Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile can be used to read and display the certificate details for a particular digitally signed file. Security Configuration Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile also predicts the load and run behavior of the file for mobile devices when configured with the currently selected security configuration, as well as for the currently connected mobile device.

Security Configuration Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile does a reasonable job of assessing a file's security settings, but it is not 100 percent accurate. Keep in mind that Security Configuration Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile checks for neither revocations nor expirations, and it does not validate the authenticity of a signature. To ensure that a particular file is configured with specific security settings, we recommend that you test it on a mobile device that has security features enabled.

To check a file's digital signature

  1. On Security Configuration Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile's menu bar, click File, and then click Check File Signature.

  2. When the Check File Signaturedialog box appears, navigate through the file system to the file that you want to check, click it, and then click Open.

    The File Signaturedialog box appears, which contains the name of the certificate that was used to sign the file, along with authentication and permission details for both the currently selected security configuration and for the currently connected mobile device.

See Also