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You can use Security Configuration Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile to digitally sign your development project's setup and executable files with a development certificate. Doing so gives your application the credentials that allow it to be deployed, and to run on mobile devices that have enabled security features. You can sign executable (.exe) files, cabinet (.cab) files, and Cab Provisioning Format (.cpf) files. For more information, see the technical article titled Developing and Deploying Pocket PC Setup Applications on MSDN.

To sign a file with a Development Certificate

  1. On Security Configuration Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile’s menu bar, click File, click Sign File, and then click either With Normal Development Certificateor With Privileged Development Certificate.

  2. When the Choose File to Signdialog box appears, navigate through the file system to the file that you want to sign, click it, and then click Open.

    Security Configuration Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile digitally signs the file and then overwrites the original copy with a new signed copy. In Windows Explorer, the properties of the file show that the file has been digitally signed.

See Also