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To develop a MIB

  1. Research and analyze the requirements for your managed system and create a document that contains a list of manageable objects to be included in the MIB.

  2. Design the OID infrastructure for your information framework. Lay out the information framework and organize object definitions.

  3. Register your private MIB branch by obtaining a MIB registration point from the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). After registering your private MIB branch, arrange each manageable object in a tree-like structure, and assign an OID to each variable, creating subtrees for each manageable object group.

  4. Design the MIB. After outlining the basic parts of the MIB, you need to define the events that must be communicated to the SNMP management station. Then, you need to arrange the managed-object definitions for each MIB variable in a .mib by using a .mib template.

  5. Organize the MIB objects into groups and assemble the MIB into a coherent piece of code.

The following code examples show how to create a MIB structure consisting of a .mib file, a MIB header and a MIB source file.

See Also