Windows Tools

RepAdmin Syntax

Overview | Notes | Syntax | Examples | Related Tools Open Command Prompt

RepAdmin uses the following general syntax:

One Steprepadmin Operation Parameters [/u:{domain\\user}] [/pw:{password|*}]

Specifies the username that has permissions to perform operations in Active Directory.
Specifies the password for the username entered with the u parameter.


Repadmin bind

Connects to and displays the replication features for a directory partition on a domain controller.

One Step repadmin /bind [DSA]


Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent).

Repadmin failcache

Dispays a list of failed replication events detected by the Knowledge Consistency Checker.

One Step repadmin /failcache [DSA]


Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent).

Repadmin getchanges

Displays changes from a specified directory partition or changes to a specified object. Syntax 1 saves changes to a directory partition. If this information is saved to a file the getchanges operation can be run again for comparison. Syntax 2 shows changes to a specified object.

Syntax 1

One Step repadmin /getchanges NamingContext [SourceDSA] [/cookie: File]

Syntax 2

One Step repadmin /getchanges NamingContext [DestDSA] SourceDSAobjectGUID [/verbose] [/statistics]


Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition.
Specifies the host name of the domain controller that hosts the directory partition (Directory Server Agent) whose changes you want to view.
/cookie: File
Specifies a name for the file to which list changes are saved.
Specifies the host name of the domain controller that hosts the object (Directory Server Agent) whose changes you want to view.
Specifies the unique hexadecimal number that identifies the object whose changes will be listed. The objectGUID can be retrieved by using the /showreps operation.
Lists detailed information.
Displays a summary of information about changes instead of a list of individual changes.



See Example 6: Create a File to Determine What Changes Have Occurred Over a Period of Time.

Repadmin kcc

Forces the Knowledge Consistency Checker to recalculate replication topology for a specified domain controller. By default this recalculation occurs every 15 minutes.

One Step repadmin /kcc [DSA] [/async]


Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent).
Specifies that replication will be asynchronous. This means that RepAdmin will start the replication event, but it does not expect an immediate response from the destination domain controller. Use this parameter when there are slow links between domain controllers.

Repadmin propcheck

Compares properties of specified domain controllers to determine if they are up to date with each other. The source domain controller contains the original information that needs to be checked. The destination domain controller data will be compared to the source domain controller data.

One Step repadmin /propcheck NamingContext OriginatingDSAInvocationID OriginatingUSN [DestDSA]


Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition on the source domain controller.
Specifies the unique hexadecimal number that identifies an object on a source domain controller. InvocationID can be retrieved by using the /showreps operation.
Specifies the USN for the object on the source domain controller. The USN is for the object whose InvocationID is already listed.
Specifies the host name of the destination domain controller (Directory Server Agent) from which to enumerate the host DSAs.

Repadmin queue

Displays tasks waiting in the replication queue.

One Step repadmin /queue [DSA]


Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent).

Repadmin showcert

Displays the server certificates loaded on a specified domain controller

One Step repadmin /showcert [DSA]


Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent).

Repadmin showconn

Displays the connection objects for a specified domain controller. Default is local site.

One Step repadmin /showconn [DSA] [{ContainerDN|DSAGUID}]


Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent).
Specifies the distinguished name of the container.
Specifies the unique hexadecimal number that identifies the domain controller. The DSA GUID can be retrieved using the /showreps operation.


See Example 7: Display the Connection Objects for a Server.

Repadmin showctx

Displays a list of computers that have opened sessions with a specified domain controller.

One Step repadmin /showctx [DSA] [/nocache]


Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent).
Specifies that GUIDs are left in hexadecimal form. By default GUIDs are translated into strings.


See Example 9: Display the Context Handles for the Replication Process.

Repadmin showism

Displays intersite messaging routes calculated by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC). This operation cannot be executed remotely.

One Step repadmin /showism [TransportDN] [/verbose]


Specifies whether the mail server is using SMTP or RPCs to send messages.
Lists detailed information.

Repadmin showmeta

Displays the replication metadata for a specified object stored in Active Directory such as attribute ID, version number, originating and local Update Sequence Number (USN), and originating server's GUID and date/time stamp. By comparing the replication metadata for the same object on different domain controllers, an administrator can determine whether replication has taken place.

One Step repadmin /showmeta ObjectDN [DSA] [/nocache]


Specifies the distinguished name of the object.
Specifies the host name of the domain controller that hosts the object (Directory Server Agent).
Specifies that GUIDs are left in hexadecimal form. By default GUIDs are translated into strings.

Repadmin showmsg

Displays the error message for a given error number.

One Step repadmin /showmsg Win32Error


Specifies the number of the Win32 error.

Repadmin showreps

Displays the replication partners for each directory partition on the specified domain controller. Helps the administrator build a visual representation of the replication topology and see the role of each domain controller in the replication process.

One Step repadmin /showreps [NamingContext] [DSA] [SourceDSAobjectGUID] [/verbose] [/unreplicated] [/nocache]


Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition.
Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent).
Specifies the unique hexadecimal number that identifies the object whose replication events will be listed.
Lists detailed information.
Shows pending changes.
Specifies that GUIDs are left in hexadecimal form. By default GUIDs are translated into strings.


See Example 1: Display the Replication Partners of a Server.

Repadmin showsig

Displays the replication signature for a specified domain controller.

One Step repadmin /showsig [DSA]


Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent).


See Example 8: Display the Replication Signature for a Server.

Repadmin showtime

Converts a directory service time value to string format for both the local and the UTC time zones.

One Step repadmin /showtime [DSTimeValue]


Specifies the time value that needs to be converted.


Repadmin showvector

Displays the highest Update Sequence Number (USN) for the specified domain controller. This information shows how up to date a replica is with its replication partners.

One Step repadmin /showvector NamingContext [DSA] [/nocache]


Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition.
Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent).
Specifies that GUIDs are left in hexadecimal form. By default GUIDs are translated into strings.


See Example 4: Display the Highest Update Sequence Number on a Server.

Repadmin sync

Starts a replication event for the specified directory partition between the source and destination domain controllers. The source DSA UUID can be determined when viewing the replication partners with the repadmin /showreps command.

One Step repadmin /sync NamingContext DestDSA SourceDSAUUID [/force] [/async] [/full] [/addref] [/allsources]


Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition.
Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent) with which you want to replicate.
Specifies the unique hexadecimal number that identifies the object whose changes will be listed. The objectGUID can be retrieved using the /showreps operation.
Overrides the normal replication schedule.
Specifies that the replication will be asynchronous. This means that RepAdmin will start the replication event, but it does not expect an immediate response from the destination domain controller. Use this parameter when there are slow links between domain controllers.
Forces a full replication of all objects from the destination domain controller.
Directs the source to check for a notification entry on the source. If the source does not have a notification entry for this destination, one is added.
A given destination may have multiple sources for the same naming context. Directs the destination to sync with all sources instead of just one.


See Example 2: Force a Replication Event Between Two Replication Partners.

Repadmin syncall

Synchronizes a specified domain controller with all replication partners.

One Step repadmin /syncall DestDSA [NamingContext] [Flags]


Specifies the host name of the domain controller (Directory Server Agent) to synchronize with all replication partners.
Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition.
Performs specific actions during the replication.
/a Abort if any server is unavailable
/d ID servers by DN in messages
/e Enterprise, cross sites
/h Print this help screen
/i Iterate indefinitely
/I Perform showreps on each server pair in path instead of syncing
/j Sync adjacent servers only
/p Pause for possible user abort after every message
/P Push changes outward from home server
/q Quiet mode, suppress callback messages
/Q Very quiet, report fatal errors only
/s Do not sync
/S Skip initial server-response check


See Example 3: Force a Replication Event for a Specified Directory Partition with All of its Replication Partners.