TopChk Examples

Example 1: Generating the NtfrsUtl DS Data File

TopChk organizes the output of NtfrsUtl ds. Therefore, when running the topchk command you must specify a file that contains this output. Type the following at the command line to create the NtfrsUtl output file.

ntfrsutl ds >ntfrsout.txt

This command statement generates an output file called Ntfrsout.txt in the current directory.

Example 2: Using Topchk to Parse a Data File

This example parses the data file generated in Example 1: Generating the NtfrsUtl DS Data File and then displays the results to the screen. Type the following at the command line to save the TopChk report to a file in the current directory:

topchk.cmd ntfrsout.txt >topchkout.txt

This command runs the TopChk script against the Ntfrsout.txt file, which was generated by the NtfrsUtl ds command and saves the resulting output in a file named Topchkout.txt in the current directory.

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