To set Telnet options

Argument Description
bsasdel Backspace will be sent as delete.
crlf New line mode; causes RETURN key to send both carriage return (0x0D) and line feed (0x0A). If this is unset, the RETURN key sends only carriage return.
delasbs Delete will be sent as backspace.
codeset Available only when the user locale is set to Japanese. Set the current code set to option, which can be one of the following:
  • Shift JIS
  • Japanese EUC
  • JIS Kanji
  • JIS Kanji (78)
  • DEC Kanji
  • NEC Kanji
The same code set should be set on the remote computer.
escape character The escape character can be a single character, or it can be a combination of the control (CTRL) key plus a character. To set a control-key combination, hold down the CTRL key while you type the character you want to assign.
localecho Turn on local echo. All characters passed to the Telnet server are displayed at the session prompt.
logfile filename Set the name of the file to which the Telnet log is written for this session. If you do not specify the path of the file, it is created in your current directory. Logging begins automatically when you set this option.
logging Turns on logging. If no log file is set, an error message appears.
mode {console | stream} The mode of operation.
ntlm Turns on NTLM authentication. The connection is established with NTLM authentication if it is supported by the Telnet server.
term {ansi | vt100 | vt52 | vtnt} Sets the terminal to the specified type.


Related Topics


Session mode and command mode


To switch to and from command mode


Telnet commands


Telnet Client overview