Telnet commands

The Telnet Client command prompt accepts the following commands:

Command Description
close Use the close command to close an existing Telnet connection.
display Use the display command to view the current settings for the Telnet client.
open Use open hostname or open IPAddress to establish a Telnet connection to a host using the name or IP address of the remote host. You can also specify the port number for the connection following the name or address.
quit Use the quit command to close Telnet Client. This command can be abbreviated q.
send Use the send command to send commands to the Telnet server. The following commands are supported:
Abort output command.
"Are you there?" command.
Sends the brk (break) command.
Sends the current escape character.
Interrupt process command.
Performs the Telnet sync operation.

Anything other than one of the commands listed above will be sent as a string to the Telnet server. For example, send abcd will send the strong abcd to the Telnet server, which will echo the string in the Telnet session window.

set Use the set command with one of the following arguments to configure Telnet Client for the current session.
Backspace will be sent as delete.
codeset option
Available only when the user locale is set to Japanese. Set the current code set to option, which can be one of the following:
  • Shift JIS
  • Japanese EUC
  • JIS Kanji
  • JIS Kanji (78)
  • DEC Kanji
  • NEC Kanji
The same code set should be set on the remote computer. By default, Telnet Client uses a raster font. Before accessing a remote computer using one of these code sets, you must configure Telnet Client to use a TrueType font to ensure that characters will display properly. For more information, see Configure Telnet Client to use a TrueType font.
New-line mode; causes the RETURN key to send carriage return (0x0D) and line feed (0x0A). If this option is not set or unset, the RETURN key sends only carriage return.
Delete will be sent as backspace.
escape character
The escape character to enter Telnet client prompt.
Turns on localecho.
logfile name
Specifies the name of the file to which the Telnet log is written for this session. If you do not specify the path of the file, it is created in your current directory. Specifying a log file also turns on logging.
Turns on logging for this session.
mode {console | stream}
The mode of operation.
Turns on NTLM authentication.
term {ansi | vt100 | vt52 | vtnt}
The type of terminal you want telnet to emulate.
Displays Help informtion for set.
status Use the status command to determine whether the Telnet client is connected.
unset Use unset to turns off an option previously set using the set command. You can use this command to turn off the following options:
  • bsasdel
  • crlf
  • delasbs
  • localecho
  • logging
  • ntlm
? or help Displays Help information.

Information about switching modes is found in To switch to and from command mode. For information about how to set Telnet options, see To set Telnet options. To learn how to send commands to the Telnet server, refer to To send commands to the Telnet server.