Using terminals

Interix uses a console window as a POSIX-style character terminal. The terminal type, named interix, is described in the database /usr/share/terminfo. The vi(1), more(1), and clear(1) utilities and the shell use this database or the file /usr/share/termcap.

The following table lists default settings for some standard control characters. You can change these settings with the stty(1) command.

Control character Setting
^D End-of-file
^C Interrupt
^U Kill
^Z Suspend

If you log on to a system that does not have the interix terminal type defined (for example, through a telnet client), you can use an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) terminal type by typing:

set TERM=ansi

You can also copy the Interix terminal description from the /usr/share/termcap file to the remote system. An interix terminal type is functionally like xterm, but the key sequences logged in termcap and terminfo more closely resemble vt100.

You can redirect information to and from /dev/null, the nul device, and /dev/tty, the current terminal. You can also redirect information between terminal windows. For example, if you have the terminals /dev/ttyn00 and /dev/ttyn01 open, you can redirect output from a command running in /dev/ttyn00 so that it appears in /dev/ttyn01.

Note that the tty(1) command returns the name of your current terminal.

This section covers: