Checklist: Setting up Server for NFS

Step Reference
Read about Server for NFS. Concepts
Log on as a member of the Domain Admins group of the server's domain.
Install Server for NFS Authentication (if it is not already installed). Server for NFS Authentication must be installed on every domain controller in any domain containing users who will access files through Server for NFS. To install the authentication package
Log on as a member of the (local) Administrators group.
Install Server for NFS (if it is not already installed). This will also install Server for NFS Authentication the server. To install Server for NFS
Configure user authentication. To set up authentication
Configure logging. To set up logging
Set the file-locking grace period. To set the lock grace period
Configure other Server for NFS settings. To enable TCP support
To enable NFS v3 support
To configure how file-name characters are translated
To hide files with names beginning with a period
To configure how often authentication is renewed
To configure case sensitivity for file and directory names
To set the directory cache size
Create client groups. To create a group
Make directories available for mounting by network file system (NFS) clients. To share a directory