
The Interix Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the following utilities:

Utility Description
ar Archive files and manage libraries.
as Generate object code from assembler.
c89 POSIX.2-conforming compiler front-end. Invokes the Microsoft Visual C++ Cl.exe compiler.
cc Traditional-style compiler front-end. Invokes the Visual C++ Cl.exe compiler.
ci Place a file under revision control or add new revision (check-in).
co Check out working copy of a file under revision control.
cpp C preprocessor. This is not used by c89 (the Visual C++ compiler includes its own preprocessor), but is used by some of the other tools, such as gcc and imake.
g++ Front end for GNU C++ compiler.
gcc Front end for GNU C compiler. Also compiles C++ code.
g77 Front end for GNU Fortran compiler.
gdb Debugger for code compiled with gcc or g++.
ident Identify revision of a file included in a binary file.
imake Creating makefiles from template files using C preprocessor.
ld Linker; normally never called directly (use gcc or g++).
lex Generate lexical analyzer code.
makedepend Create dependency list from source files.
make Keep generated files up-to-date with respect to their source files.
mkdirhier Create directory hierarchies; equivalent to mkdir -p.
nm List symbolic names in an object file, library or executable.
rcs Manipulate files under revision control.
rcsdiff Display differences between revisions of a file under revision control.
rlog Display change history of a file under revision control.
strerror Display the error string associated with an error return code.
strip Remove symbol table from an object file.
yacc Generate LALR parser code from a grammar description.
xmkmf Create a makefile from an Imakefile.

Reference pages for these utilities can be found using the man command and in the Interix Commands and Utilities Reference.

Both gcc and g++ are ports of the popular GNU C compiler (version 2.7). The g77 front end is a port of g77, version 0.5.21. All of these front ends eventually invoke the same compiler engine, hence the similarities.

The make utility in this release is based on the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) 4.4 version of make. The lex and yacc utilities are based on flex and BSD yacc. The Revision Control System (RCS) utilities are based on the RCS 5.6 utilities.

The strerror information utility displays the error string associated with a particular return code. You can see the error string for an error n, with the command:

strerror n

You can see the full list of error strings by using the -l option:

strerror -l