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sample statement queries, 635
sample update release timetable, 527
registry keys, 569–70
rescanning directories and registry keys, 571
selecting directories for, 566–69
Schedule dialog box, 282, 293–94, 338, 480
Schedule tab
Advertisement Properties dialog box, 478–79
Network Discovery Properties dialog box, 292–93
SNA RAS Sender Address Properties dialog box, 168–69
Scheduler, 184–85, 468–69
advertisements, 478–80
Backup SMS Site Server task, 711
check of total database size, 699–701
client advertisements, 484
maintenance tasks, 699–703
recurring assignments for advertisements, 482–83
reports, 648–49
specifying software metering, 606–7
updates by Collection Evaluator, 414
Script Editor, 586–95
about, 565, 586
actions in, 589–90
defining variables, 587–89
modifying scripts, 591–92
sample script, 594–95
user interface, 588
Windows Installer Step-Up Utility, 592–93
SDK (Software Development Kit), 84
Search For File Settings dialog box, 595
Search For Resources page (Create Direct Membership Rule Wizard), 411
adding identifying information for, 145
configuring management point system as, 159
creating addresses to new, 148
defined, 12
deleting, 160
distinguishing characteristics of, 142
domain name entry for, 146
enabling Software Inventory Client Agent for, 357
entering correct name for server, 146
hierarchy model with, 143
illustrated, 13
installing from parent site, 144–50
listed in Administrator Console, 158
local installation from SMS CD, 150–56
location for source files, 146–47
new identity for, 145
primary vs., 157–59
process flow for installation, 156–57
running Deployment Readiness Wizard on, 765
security and site hierarchy, 683–84
selecting advanced or standard security, 147
SMS Service account for, 147–48, 153
specifying sender addresses to, 148–49
switching roles with primary sites, 142
uninstalling, 159–60
upgrading, 156, 773–74
Secondary Sites page (Deployment Readiness Wizard), 765
accounts and groups, 663–70
advanced and standard, 21, 656–59
assessing threats and vulnerabilities, 518
class vs. instance security rights, 102–3
customizing Administrator Console for, 684–92
further reading, 655
NTFS, 659–63
object-level, 671–84
options for parent and child sites, 153
overview, 655
planning, 32
reviewing for upgraded sites, 774
security modes, 21
selecting for secondary sites, 147
site hierarchy and, 683–84
site system connection security groups, 115–17
SMS Service Account as connection account, 162
SMSCliToknAcct& account, 470–71, 669–70
for SQL Server databases, 39–40
Security & Privacy Web site, 520
Security Munger, 378, 379
Security Rights node, 675–76
Security tab
Remote Tools Client Agent Properties dialog box, 373
Site Properties dialog box, 101–2
Security Update Inventory Tool, 532
SecurityPatch_XXX.exe, 532–33
Select A Program To Advertise page (Distribute Software To Collection Wizard), 474
Select Attributes dialog box, 234, 632
Select Backup Destination dialog box, 746
Select Directory dialog box, 567
Select Programs To Run page (Advertised Programs Wizard), 487–89
Select Resources page (Create Direct Membership Rule Wizard), 413
send request files, 468–69
Sender Properties dialog box, 189
senders, 184–93. See also Courier Sender
adding new, 188–90
alternates to target site, 171
Asynchronous RAS Sender, 164–65, 187
configuring, 186–87
Courier, 73, 186, 191–93
defined, 133
displaying list of address types, 163
ISDN RAS, 165–66, 187
list of options, 188
options when creating addresses for, 149
on other servers, 187
process flow for, 184–86, 468–69
SNA RAS, 167–70, 187
specifying sender addresses to secondary sites, 148–49
Standard, 186–87
types of, 162, 187
X.25 RAS, 166–67, 187
server installation modifications
directory structure and shared folders, 76
program group, 73
services, 73–75
Windows Registry, 77
Server Locator Point tab (Site System Properties dialog box), 136
server locator points, 135–37
additional requirements for site system as, 114
assigning role of, 135–36
defined, 9, 135
removing, 136
Server Share option (Site System context menu), 118–20
servers. See site servers
Service Packs
Express Setup requirements for, 50
installing, 65–66
SQL Server requirements for, 36, 45, 733
supporting mixed-version environments, 758
updating Windows XP Professional using Status Message Viewer, 207
upgrading secondary sites, 156
changes in client with SMS installation, 320
modifications after SMS installation to, 73–75
stopping before backing up site server, 704–5
Set Parent Site button (Site Properties dialog box), 91
Set Parent Site dialog box, 172
Set Security Mode dialog box, 91–92
Set Security Mode prompt, 658
Set Source Directory dialog box, 442
Set Variable dialog box, 588–89, 592
Set Viewing Period dialog box, 204
creating addresses in, 149
Custom, 49–50, 60–66
Express, 48–50, 58–60
modifications to server after completion by, 72–77
running, 51–65
for secondary sites, 150–57
shortcut added for, 73
Setup Options page (SMS Setup Wizard), 52–53, 66, 68, 79, 95, 151, 771
severity ratings for updates, 523
administrative, 659–62
connecting sender with SMS_SITE, 469
distribution points, 129, 443
securing package distribution with access accounts, 446–49
SMSPKGx$, 443, 446
Courier Sender, 73
program group, 73
Show/Hide Console Tree icon, 200
silent installations, 575, 584
single site hierarchy, 175
Sinv.cfg file, 362
Sinv.nal file, 362
Sinv.pkg file, 362
site assignments, 303–29
about client, 87–88
Active Directory group policy installation method, 318
Client Push Installation, 308–13
computer imaging installation method, 319
installation methods for SMS clients, 307–8
Logon Script Initiated installation method, 307, 314–15
manual client installation, 315–17
rules for, 303–6
software distribution installation method, 318
site boundaries
Advanced Client boundary configuration, 98–100
configuring, 88–89, 92–93, 304–6
function of, 203
Microsoft recommendations for defining, 304
setting roaming boundaries, 305–6
subnet masks and, 89–90
uninstalling Legacy Clients by changing, 330
Site Boundaries tab (Site Properties dialog box), 92–93, 304
site codes
cautions against changing, 56
using unique, 55
Site Component Manager
about, 75
installations on new CAP by, 122
Site Component Status window (Administrator Console), 108
site control file (Sitectrl.ct0), 104–6
Site Control Manager
enabling log files, 110–11
event-driven nature of, 107
monitoring status and flow of, 107–13
setting up logging for multiple components, 112–13
in site control file process flow, 104, 105
site control filenames in, 106–7
status messages, 108–9
waking up, 106
Site Database Connection Wizard, 688–89
site hierarchies, 174–84
about, 11, 12–13
Active Directory domain model and, 183–84
administrative model, 183
client components, 178–79
collections and, 433–34
designing, 143
illustrated, 13, 684
international site considerations, 180–82
location and number of clients, 180
multiple, 175
network performance and, 176–78
parent-child communications with SMS Site Address account, 667
security and, 683–84
security modes with, 657
single site hierarchy, 175
typical model for, 142–43
verifying in SMS Site Repair Wizard, 729–30
viewing, 174
Site Identity page (Create Secondary Site Wizard), 145
Site Properties dialog box
Accounts tab, 93, 96
Advanced tab, 100–101
General tab, 91–92, 171–72, 657
Roaming Boundaries tab, 98–100, 306
Security tab, 101–2
Site Boundaries tab, 92–93, 304
Site Reset, 96
Site Selection page (Deployment Readiness Wizard), 764
Site Server page (Create Secondary Site Wizard), 146
site servers. See also installing primary site server
about, 7–8
advertised program process flow, 497
backing up, 707–11, 760
client behavior with failed, 718
clustered, 45
collections created at installation, 408–9
designating as reporting point, 134
distribution point role for, 125–27
entering correct name for secondary site, 146
files written when hardware inventory enabled, 339
folder and share permissions for NTFS, 661–62
hardware requirements, 43–44
identifying connection accounts to, 117
installing SQL Server on same server as, 38
language versions for clients, 180–81
management point role for, 130
planning environment for primary site, 30–31
preparing for reinstallation of, 714
recovering, 712–16
reporting status on, 235–36
resources required for monitoring systems, 249
role of management points with, 129
server modifications after SMS installation, 72–77
setting child site options, 100–101
Site System Properties dialog box, 119
Site Utilities tool (Preinst.exe), 714–16
SMS installed on discovery of, 278
Site System Connection group, 116
Site System Properties dialog box, 119
Client Access Point tab, 121
Distribution Point tab, 126, 127, 128, 452–53
General tab, 121
Management Point tab, 130
Reporting Point tab, 134
Server Locator Point tab, 136
Site System Status Summarizer, 218–21
Site System Status window (Administrator Console), 200, 203–5
Site System to Site Server Connection group, 115
site systems. See also roles for site systems
about, 8–9
additional requirements for roles, 114
assigning roles, 118–20
CAP role assigned to, 120–24
checking disk space requirements, 137–38
connection accounts, 115–17
detecting existing installation of, 53
enabling status summaries for, 218–21
planning and identifying, 137
reporting status on, 235–36
restoring, 716–18
roles for, 113–14
site data propagation after migration, 769
Site System folder context menu options, 118
SMS installation with discovery of, 278
viewing infrastructure, 259, 260
viewing status messages for, 203–6
Site Systems Properties dialog box, 159
Site Utilities tool (Preinst.exe), 714–16
Sitectrl.ct1 file, 105, 106
Sitectrl.ct2 file, 105, 106
backing up before upgrading, 760
central, 12, 13, 142, 143
defined, 7
post-upgrade configuring of, 774
premigration considerations for, 756
running Deployment Readiness Wizard on SMS 2.0, 8, 761–67
status messages for packages or advertisements, 499, 501
steps for restoring with SMS Site Repair Wizard, 726–27
upgrading to advanced security, 657–59
Sites tab (System Management Properties dialog box), 323–24
SMS 2003 CD. See Microsoft SMS 2003 CD
SMS 2003 Installation Release Notes, 775
SMS 2003 Online Library, The, 182
SMS 2003 Toolkit 1, 241
SMS Active Directory Schema page (SMS Setup Wizard), 56
SMS Agent Host (Ccmexec.exe), 131, 499
SMS central site, 12–13, 142–43
SMS Client Connection accounts, 670, 712
SMS Component Logging Control dialog box, 111–12
SMS Database Deinstallation Options page (SMS Setup Wizard), 79–80
\SMS directory, 76
SMS Executive, 74–75, 240
backing up replaced files, 559–60, 598–99
configuring reference computer, 557–58
creating installation scripts, 565–72
creating uninstall status MIF file, 576–77, 601
destination directory for installed files, 559
downloading, 557
further reading, 556
Installation Expert, 562–64
installation log, 600
installing on reference computer, 558–62
modifying installation scripts with Installation Expert, 572–86
overview, 556–57
rolling back and uninstalling scripts, 597–601
sample script, 594–95
Script Editor, 565
script modifications with Script Editor, 586–95
selecting backup directory, 560
testing and compiling scripts, 563–64, 596–97
troubleshooting installations, 558
SMS Primary Site Client Load page (SMS Setup Wizard), 57–58
SMS Provider, 20
SMS Provider Information page, SMS Setup Wizard, 64–65, 773
SMS Security Information page
Create Secondary Site Wizard, 147
SMS Setup Wizard, 56–57, 69–70, 95–96, 153
SMS Server Connection account, 667–68
SMS Server Connection group, 115
SMS Service account
changing name of, 69–70, 94–95
creating or specifying new, 95–96
making changes via Site Reset, 96
modifying, 93–98
security and, 665–66
setting up as connection account, 162
specifying for secondary site, 147–48, 153
using Local Security account as, 97
SMS Service Manager
daily monitoring with, 698
defined, 740
enabling logging, 111–12
illustrated, 111
launching and enabling log files, 110–11
stopping services prior to backups, 704–5
using, 239–40
SMS Site Address account, 667
SMS Site Backup service, 707–8, 711
SMS Site Database Name page (SMS Setup Wizard), 62
SMS Site Information page (SMS Setup Wizard), 55, 152
SMS Site Repair Wizard, 723–30
editing site addresses, 729
entering backup and failure dates in, 728
overview, 723–24
parent site settings, 728
permissions needed to run, 726
restoring database, 727–28
running, 725–30
shortcut added for, 73
steps for restoring sites, 726–27
tasks carried out by, 724–25
verifying site hierarchy, 729–30
SMS Status Manager, 225
SMS Trace, 113, 240–45
about, 17
filtering, 244–45
highlighting text, 243–44
illustrated, 241–42
obtaining, 241
searching for text, 243
viewing log files with, 240–43
SMS User Wizard, 680–83
Smsbkup.ctl file, 708–9, 779–85
Smsbkup.log file, 707–8
\SMS_CCM directory, 76
SMSCliToknAcct& account, 470–71, 669–70
SMS_def.mof file, 761
class qualifiers listed in, 352
customizing hardware inventory with, 350–52
further reading on, 352
Hardware Inventory Client Agent actions with, 340–41
sample file illustrated, 351
using and editing, 351–52
Smsimain.exe file, 557
Smsinstl.exe file, 557–58
Smsman.exe file
command-line options, 316
installing Legacy Client from CAP through UNC path, 315–16
SMSPKGx$ share, 443, 446
SMSServer_sitecode, 116
SMS_SITE share, 469
SMS Web site, 787–88
SNA RAS Sender, 167–70, 187
SNMP Devices tab (Network Discovery Properties dialog box), 291–92
removing site server client, 78–79
requirements for site servers, 44–45
reviewing before upgrading SMS, 757–58
SQL Server Service Packs required, 36, 45, 733
Software Development Kit (SDK), 84
software distribution, 469–72
assessing infrastructure for, 519
creating or selecting software package to distribute, 473–74
distributing to collections, 472–78
enabling to clients, 484
installation methods, 318
SMSCliToknAcct& account, 470–71, 669–70
using Distribute Software To Collection Wizard, 472–78
Software Distribution method, 307
Software Distribution Properties dialog box, 469, 472
software inventory, 356–67. See also MIF (Management Information Format) files
client requirements and inventory frequency, 362–63
enabling, 357–62
inventorying IT assets, 513–14
managing collected files, 361–62
resynchronizing, 364
status messages and log files for, 365
viewing, 366
Software Inventory Client Agent
about, 308
application information collected by, 356
changes to site properties when enabled, 362
process flow for, 363–64
using, 15, 19
Software Inventory Client Agent Properties dialog box
File Collection tab, 359–60
General tab, 357
Inventoried File Properties dialog box, 358–59
Inventory Collection tab, 358
Inventory Names tab, 360–61
Software Metering, 602–19
configuring Software Metering Client Agent, 605–7
creating rules for, 607–10
Delete Aged Software Metering Data task, 611–12
Delete Aged Software Metering Summary Data task, 612–13
downloading rules for clients, 606–7
enabling rules, 610–11
monitoring suite of programs, 610
process flow, 605
running reports for, 615–17
server role unsupported in SMS 2003, 8, 24
Summarize Software Metering File Usage Data task, 613–14
Summarize Software Metering Monthly Usage Data task, 614–15
summarizing collected data, 611–15
version differences, 603–4, 618
Software Metering Client Agent, 308, 605–7
Software Metering Rule Properties dialog box, 608
software metering rules
creating, 607–10
downloading rules for clients, 606–7
enabling or disabling, 610–11
storage of, 605
Software Update Scanning Tools
configuring, 537–40
downloading, 532
installing, 532–36
testing, 536–37
Software Update Services (SUS) feature pack, 532
Source Directory page (Create Package From Definition Wizard), 462
source files
configuring package from scratch, 441–46
creating packages from definition file, 460–66, 474
defining data source for packages, 442
designating location for secondary sites, 146–47
downloading update, 543–44
gathering for package distribution, 440–41
locating for Windows Installer repair, 459
managing for packages, 461–62
obtaining and verifying for updates, 522–23
setting drive path for package, 442–43
Source Files page (Create Package From Definition Wizard), 461
SP_SPACEUSED stored procedure, 699–701
SQL Command Properties dialog box, 700
SQL Manager, 467
SQL Monitor Service
about, 75–76
role in Collection Evaluator update process flow, 430–31
in site control file process flow, 104–5
SQL Server
autostart for services after manual install, 42
backing up and restoring database, 744–48
commands for database maintenance, 741–42
configuration parameters for, 41, 748–49
configuring connections, 750–51
creating database file in, 735–37
database and transaction log in, 734
executing database maintenance commands, 742–43
further reading on, 37
installing before SMS setup, 37
knowledge required for SMS, 733–34
management tools, 739–40
modifying parameters, 749–52
replicating databases from, 752
requirements for SMS installations, 36–42
scheduling database size checks, 699–701
secondary sites unable to access database, 142
security for databases, 39–40
Service Packs with SMS installations, 36, 45, 733
sizing database for SMS, 39
SQL Server Enterprise Manager, 734–37, 739
tuning, 40–41
SQL Server account
Express Setup default for, 98
modifying, 93, 98
security and, 666–67
setting up, 61
SQL Server Account For SMS Site Database page (SMS Setup Wizard), 61
SQL Server and Windows authentication, 40
SQL Server Backup dialog box, 745
SQL Server Directory Path For SMS Site Database page (SMS Setup Wizard), 63
SQL Server Enterprise Manager, 734–37, 739, 749–52
SQL Server Information For SMS Site Database page (SMS Setup Wizard), 60–61
SQL Server Properties dialog box, 749–51
SQL Service account, making changes to, 666
staffing, considering when planning site installation, 35
standard security
accounts for both advanced and, 663–64
accounts for, 665–68
advanced security vs., 656
choosing for secondary sites, 147
connection accounts with, 116–17
defined, 21
reverting to, 658
switching to advanced security, 91–92, 657–59
Standard Sender Address Properties dialog box, 163–64
Standard Senders
connecting to target site with, 171
default creation of, 186–87
Start menu, 73
starting all components, 705
Status Filter Rule Properties dialog box, 226–28
status filter rules, 224–29. See also status messages
action options for, 228
cautions on changing, 226
creating, 226–27
defining, 229
names for, 226
options for, 227–28
Status Message Details dialog box, 190, 202–3, 284, 295
Status Message Queries, 230–34
creating, 231–34
default queries, 230
results of running, 234
Status Message Query Properties dialog box, 231
Status Message Viewer, 205–11
component messages displayed in, 202
context menu for message entries, 206
customizing columnar information in, 207–8
filter options for, 210
information supplied in, 205–6
queries for customizing, 210
refresh options for, 207
setting font options for, 209
site system messages displayed in, 204
SMS Service Manager vs., 239
status filter rules for, 224–29
updating Windows XP Professional when using, 207
about, 197–98
automatic deletion of, 208
auto-refresh and refresh interval for, 207
collection, 432–33
Collection Evaluator, 432–33
component message display, 201–3
configuring status reporting properties, 223–24
confirming collection updates, 424
consolidating with status summarizers, 211–12
context menu for entries in Status Message Viewer, 206
daily review of, 697
display interval options for summarizers, 212–13
filtering, 210, 223–29
generated by Site Control Manager, 108–9
hardware inventory, 343–48
illustrated, 235, 237–38
monitoring package distribution, 499–503
monitoring Remote Tools, 397–99
parent-child relationship, 173
process flow, 235–39
Remote Tools, 397–98
saving to file, 208–9
setting Status Message Viewer options, 205–11
Site Control Manager, 108–9
site server and site system status reports, 235–36
SMS database, 238–39
software inventory, 365
status filter rules, 224–29
status message thresholds, 213–15
status reports from clients, 236–38
testing messages against filter rules, 225
troubleshooting package distribution with, 503–4
types of, 197–98
viewing, 198–205, 499, 501
Status Reporting Properties dialog box, 223–24
status summarizers, 211–22
Advertisement Status Summarizer, 221–22
configuring Component Status Summarizer, 215–18
display interval options, 212–13
function of, 211–12
setting up Site System Status Summarizer, 218–21
status message thresholds, 213–15
Status Threshold Properties dialog box, 213–14
Status Viewer Options dialog box, 206–9
Columns tab, 207–8
Export tab, 208–9
Font tab, 209
General tab, 206–7
all components, 705
SMS Executive threads, 240
stored procedures, 739
structuring sites for upgrading, 755–67. See also migration; mixed-version environments; upgrading
backing up site and server, 760
considerations for mixed-version environments, 758–59
determining client platforms for support, 757
premigration considerations, 756
reviewing current site structure, 756
reviewing database, 759–60
reviewing hardware and software in use, 757–58
subcollections, 419–21. See also collections
about, 406
advertising to, 475
deleting, 426–27
deleting linked collections, 425
unlinking, 421–22
viewing, 420–21
Subcollections page (Delete Collection Wizard), 426–27
subnet masks, 89–90
Subnets tab (Network Discovery Properties dialog box), 287–88
Summarize Software Metering File Usage Data Task Properties dialog box, 614
Summarize Software Metering Monthly Usage Data Task Properties dialog box, 615
SUS (Software Update Services) feature pack, 532
sync host, 538–39
collections, 434
system time on clients, 41–42, 496, 751–52
unattended synchronization, 539
Sysdiff utility, 555
System Configuration dialog box, 582–84
System Configuration page (SMS Setup Wizard), 51–52, 67, 771
System Information utility (WinMsd), 384–85
System Management Properties dialog box, 322–29
Actions tab, 328
Advanced Client features for, 326–29
Advanced tab, 328–29
client component status indicators, 325
Components tab, 325–26, 327–28
General tab, 322–23, 326–27
Sites tab, 323–24
System Monitor, 247–58
about, 16, 247–48
creating log, 253–55
creating system monitor chart, 248–53
disk performance object counters disabled, 257
further reading, 258
highlight feature for charts, 251
illustrated, 250
SMS-specific objects and counters, 256–57
static chart from log file, 256
syntax for objects and counters, 248
table of objects and counters, 251–52
viewing log files, 255–56
System Monitor Properties dialog box, 250
system requirements
Network Monitor, 263
primary site servers, 36–45
reference computer, 557–58
Remote Tools, 370
site server hardware, 43–44
System Status folder, 499
System Status Node, 199
Systems Management icon, 321, 322
Systems Management Properties dialog box, 328–29, 495
Systems Management Server 2003 Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide, 28
Systems Management Server 2003 Operations Guide, 28
Systems Management Server Setup Wizard
adding components to site installations, 67–72
Authentication Mode For SMS Site Database page, 71
completing, 59–60, 72
Concurrent SMS Administrator Consoles page, 59, 64
Connection Account Information page, 155–56
Creation Of The SMS Site Database page, 62
Custom installation options in, 60–66
Database Modification page, 70–71
Express installation options in, 58–60
Installation Options page, 53, 60, 68–69, 154
installing secondary site with, 150–56
installing SMS with, 46
License Agreement page, 54, 151, 772
Parent Site Information/Identification page, 154–55
Product Registration page, 54, 152
Setup Options page, 52–53, 66, 68, 79, 95, 151, 771
SMS Active Directory Schema page, 56
SMS Database Deinstallation Options page, 79–80
SMS Primary Site Client Load page, 57–58
SMS Provider Information page, 64–65, 773
SMS Security Information page, 56–57, 69–70, 95–96, 153
SMS Site Database Name page, 62
SMS Site Information page, 55, 152
SQL Server Account For SMS Site Database page, 61
SQL Server Directory Path For SMS Site Database page, 63
SQL Server Information For SMS Site Database page, 60–61
System Configuration page, 51–52, 67, 771
upgrading primary site with, 770–73
upgrading secondary sites with, 773–74

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