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package access accounts, 446–49
package definition files. See also Create Package From Definition Wizard
creating packages from, 460–66, 474
defined, 439
information provided in, 466
programs generated by, 464
viewing programs generated by, 464
Package Definition page (Create Package From Definition Wizard), 461
package distribution, 437–504. See also advertisements; packages; SMS Installer
access accounts, 446–49
actions in distribution process, 440
Advertised Programs Client Agent, 483–86
Advertised Programs Monitor, 490–91
Advertised Programs Wizard, 486–90
advertisements, 478–82
automating, 407–8
configuring package from scratch, 441–46
configuring software distribution component, 469–72
creating or selecting package to distribute, 473–74
creating programs, 454–60
defining processing thread limit, 469–70
designating location of stored packages, 469, 470
Distribute Software To Collection Wizard, 472–78
distribution points, 449–54
enhancements to, 22
gathering source files, 440–41
managing Advanced Client Download Cache, 495–96
monitoring status, 499–503
package distribution process flow, 466–69
packages created from definition file, 460–66, 474
packaging script files, 562–63
process flow for advertised programs, 496–98
Program Download Monitor (Advanced Client), 494
recurring assignments for advertisements, 482–83
resource discovery and, 280
Run Advertised Programs (Advanced Client), 492–94
running advertised programs on clients, 486–94
SMS Installer for, 556–57
SMSCliToknAcct& account, 470–71, 669–70
synchronizing system time on clients, 496
terminology for, 438–40
troubleshooting, 503–4
Package folder, 499, 500
package management team
building packages, 528, 540–48
choosing updates to include in package, 542–43
preparing package source folders, 540
Package page (Distribute Software To Collection Wizard), 473
Package Processing Thread Limit option (Software Distribution Properties dialog box), 469–70
Package Properties dialog box, 192
Data Access tab, 443
Data Source tab, 442, 463
Distribution Settings tab, 444
General tab, 441, 463
Reporting tab, 445, 464
added by Update Inventory Tools, 534–35
applications for creating, 555–56
building update, 528, 540–48
defined, 438
designating location of stored, 469–70
monitoring progress of deployed, 549
preparing source folders for, 540
specifying source directory for updates, 543
viewing status messages for, 499, 501
parameters, SQL Server, 748–52
changing status of, 193
creating outgoing, 192–93
Parent Site Information/Identification page (SMS Setup Wizard), 154–55
parent sites. See also child sites; site hierarchies
administration of secondary sites via, 159
child sites not upgraded automatically with, 156
data storage space requirements for, 143
defined, 12, 141
deleting phantom child sites from, 715–16
functions of, 143
identifying site’s, 171–73
initiating secondary site upgrades from, 773–74
installing secondary sites from, 144–50
locking collections to child site administrator, 433–34
parent-child communications with SMS Site Address account, 667
replicating site system status summaries to, 218–19
restoring sites, 728, 729, 730
specifying sender address for secondary sites, 149–50
parent-child relationships, 141–73
about parent and child sites, 141
characteristics of primary and secondary sites, 141–42
creating address to other site, 163–69
identifying parent sites, 171–73
implementing between primary sites, 161–73
information flow and addresses in, 161–62
installing secondary site from parent primary site, 144–50
security for parent and child sites, 153
selecting connection types for parent site, 154–55
site hierarchies and, 174
status messages generated while creating, 173
modifying SMS Service account, 94–95
reset for client connection account at backup, 712
rotating client connection accounts for, 670
patch management, 507–53
Assess phase, 511–12, 516–19
assessing existing distribution infrastructure, 519
authorizing and distributing updates, 540–49
building infrastructure for, 514–16
building releases, 528, 540–48
conducting acceptance testing, 528–29
configuring Update Inventory Tools, 537–40
Deploy phase, 529–32
downloading Update Inventory Tools, 532
emergencies, 550–52
establishing team for, 516
Evaluate & Plan phase, 524–29
further reading, 507
Identify phase, 511–12, 520–24
installing Update Inventory Tools, 532–36
MOF process model, 509–10
need for, 507–8
overview, 507, 552–53
preparing for, 512–17
recommended process for, 511–12
steps in process for, 512
testing Update Inventory Tools, 536–37
trends in vulnerability exploitation, 508
patch management team
acceptance testing for patches, 528–29
building releases, 528, 540–48
checking update properties, 544–45
deciding update effect and requesting change, 523–24
defining release priorities, 525
deploying update to targeted computers, 530–31
determining appropriate action, 524–26
establishing, 516
evaluating effectiveness of process, 519
monitoring progress of deployed packages, 549
planning update releases, 526–27
releases with accelerated timelines, 550–51
reviewing update implementation, 531
viewing status for updates, 544
default path for log files, 113
designating SQL Server path to site database, 63
entering for package programs, 454–55
Pattern Match dialog box, 266
daily monitoring of, 698
disk performance object counters, 257
flat site hierarchy for, 143
site hierarchies and, 176–78
permissions. See also object-level security
access to Query and Reporting nodes, 653
adding or removing user rights, 681–82
assigning through Security Rights node, 675–76
CAP folder and share, 660
class security rights, 102–3
copying rights from existing user, 682–83
default object, 674
distribution points folder and share, 661
editing object instance, 678–80
limiting access in custom Administrator Console, 690
management point folder, 661
modifying at object class level, 676–78
needed to run SMS Site Repair Wizard, 726
objects, 673–74
Remote Tools session process flow for, 393–95
site server folder and share, 661–62
Permissions list (Access Account Properties dialog box), 449
Per-System Unattended Program Properties dialog box
Environments tab, 466
General tab, 465
Requirements tab, 465
Physical Disk objects, 257
Ping Test utility, 387–88
.PKG files, 468
client environment, 31–32
considering personnel, training, and testing, 34–36
drawing together considerations on, 33–34
functions of SMS for implementation, 32–33
network infrastructure, 28–29
organizational structure, 29–30
primary site server installation, 27–36
security, 32
server environment for primary site, 30–31
site structure, 755–68
site systems, 137
successful recoveries, 725
waiting to assign site system roles, 120
platform compatibility
Administrator Console, 10
hardware requirements for, 43
Policy tab (Remote Tools Client Agent Properties dialog box), 373–74
Policyagent.log file, 365
Polling Schedule tab
Active Directory User Discovery Properties dialog box, 300
Windows User Account Discovery Properties dialog box, 281–82
predefined collections, 408–9
predefined queries, 625
predefined reports, 641
preparing for patch management, 512–17
Assess phase of management, 512, 516–19
building infrastructure, 514–16
configuring assets, 514
establishing patch management team, 516
identifying IT assets, 513
inventorying assets, 513–14
overview, 512–13
primary sites, 27–85. See also installing primary site servers
cautions against removing, 77
characteristics of, 141–42
defined, 12
express vs. custom installation, 48–51
folder and file removal, 80–81
hierarchy model with, 143
illustrated, 13
installation options, 45–48
modifying installation, 67–72
parent-child relationships between, 161–73
planning installation of, 27–36
preinstallation requirements for, 36–45
removing, 77–82
running Deployment Readiness Wizard on, 764–65
running setup, 51–65
secondary vs., 157–59
server modifications after SMS installation, 72–77
service and feature pack installation, 65–66
SMS account and group removal, 81–82
switching roles with secondary sites, 142
synchronizing collections, 434
upgrading, 770–73
process flow
advertised programs, 496–98
Advertised Programs Client Agent, 497–98
backups, 703–6
Collection Evaluator update, 430–31
enabling new CAP, 122
hardware inventory collection, 341–42
information flow in parent-child relationships, 161–62
interpreting status messages in context of, 198
monitoring Site Control Manager, 107–13
package distribution, 466–69
patch management, 511–12
Remote Tools session, 393–95
secondary site installation, 156–57
senders, 184–86, 468–69
site configuration, 103–7
Software Inventory Client Agent, 363–64
Software Metering, 605
status message, 235–39
processing threads
defining limit for, 469–70
managed by SMS Executive, 74–75
stopping SMS Executive, 240
hardware requirements for, 43
requirements for SMS and SQL Server on same server, 38
Product Compliance, 19
Product Registration page (SMS Setup Wizard), 54, 152
Program Download Monitor (Advanced Client), 494
program groups, 73
Program Properties dialog box, 488, 493
Advanced tab, 458
Environment tab, 456–57
General tab, 455
Requirements tab, 456
Windows Installer tab, 459
advanced options for running, 458
advertised programs process flow, 496–98
creating, 454–60
defined, 438
defining user interaction with package, 457
deleting, 459
disabling, 458
entering path for package, 454–55
identifying operating systems for, 456
information collected in Software Metering, 604
monitoring with software metering, 610
process flow with Advertised Programs Client Agent, 497–98
running advertised, 476, 486–94
running from distribution points, 481–82
specifying user and drive requirements for package distribution, 457
viewing properties and rescheduling Legacy Client, 490–91
Progress And Results Summary page (Deployment Readiness Wizard), 766
prompted queries, 638–39
protected distribution points, 125
network protocols for Remote Tools, 382–83
sharing common protocol with remote control client, 401
proxy management points, 132–33
.PSD files, 431

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