Automatic Variables



Variables automatically set by the Windows PowerShell




The following variables are defined and set automatically by the Windows PowerShell:



Contains the last token of the last line received by the shell.


Contains True if last operation succeeded and False otherwise.


Contains the first token of the last line received by the shell.


Contains the current pipeline object, used in script blocks, filters, and the where statement.


Contains an array of the parameters passed to a function.


Specifies the action to take when data is written using Write-Debug in a script or WriteDebug in a cmdlet or provider.


Contains objects for which an error occurred while being processed in a cmdlet.


Specifies the action to take when data is written using Write-Error in a script or WriteError in a cmdlet or provider.


Refers to the enumerator in a foreach loop.


Specifies the user's home directory. Equivalent of %homedrive%%homepath%.


Use in script blocks that are in the middle of a pipeline.


Contains the exit code of the last Win32 executable execution.


Contains the maximum number of aliases available to the session.


Contains the maximum number of drives available, excluding those provided by the underlying operating system.


Contains the maximum number of functions available to the session.


Specifies the maximum number of entries saved in the command history.


Contains the maximum number of variables available to the session.


The directory where the Windows PowerShell is installed.


Contains information about the current host.


Output Field Separator, used when converting an array to a string. By default, this is set to the space character. The following example illustrates the default setting and setting OFS to a different value:


&{ $a = 1,2,3; "$a"}

1 2 3

&{ $OFS="-"; $a = 1,2,3; "$a"}



When set to TRUE, shows the class names of displayed exceptions.


When set to TRUE, shows the chain of inner exceptions. The display of each exception is governed by the same options as the root Exception, that is, the options dictated by $ReportErrorShow* will be used to display each exception.


When set to TRUE, shows the assembly names of displayed exceptions.


When set to TRUE, emits the stack traces of exceptions.


Specifies the action to take when ShouldProcess is used in a cmdlet.


Value returned by ShouldPolicy


Contains detailed stack trace information about the last error.


Specifies the action to take when data is written using Write-Verbose in a script or WriteVerbose in a cmdlet or provider.


Specifies the action to take when data is written using Write-Warning in a script or WriteWarning in a cmdlet or provider.