Vaulting container media by using the vltcontainers command

After the media eject from your robot, you can use the vltcontainers command to enter the container and media IDs. The following is the format of the vltcontainers command:

vltcontainers -run [-rn robot_number]
vltcontainers -run -usingbarcodes [-rn robot_number]
vltcontainers -run -vltcid container_id -vault vault_name -sessionid 
vltcontainers -run -vltcid container_id -f file_name [-rn 
robot_number] [-usingbarcodes]
vltcontainers -view [-vltcid container_id]
vltcontainers -change -vltcid container_id -rd return_date
vltcontainers -delete -vltcid container_id
vltcontainers -version

The following examples show how to use the vltcontainers command to add media to a container:

See the NetBackup Commands manual for more information about the vltcontainers command.

See also, "Using NetBackup Commands" in the NetBackup Administration Console help.

To vault media in containers by using the vltcontainers command

  1. Eject the media to be added to the containers.

  2. Run the vltcontainers command, using the appropriate options and parameters.

  3. Follow the prompts to move the media logically into containers.