About eject mode (immediate or deferred)

You can eject media immediately when the profile runs or defer ejection. If you use one profile to choose and duplicate images daily and another profile to eject the media, specify deferred eject for the profile that selects and duplicates images and immediate eject for the profile that ejects media. If you defer eject, you also should defer reports.

If you select deferred eject, other actions are required to eject the media for the session. After the session ends, you can eject media for one session, for multiple sessions, or for all sessions.

Eject for one session only, as follows:

Eject for multiple sessions for a specific profile, as follows. (This method for duplicating and ejecting media provides the added benefit of consolidated reports that are not organized by session.)

Eject for all sessions for a specific vault or for all sessions for all vaults (consolidated eject) by doing one of the following:

If you defer eject operations, you also should defer reports until you eject media.