About the changes in the supported boot media on Windows platform

The BMR restore process begins by network booting the client from a BMR boot server or from BMR prepared boot media (CD or DVD).

You can restore a client using Fast Restore SRTs or Legacy OS-based SRTs. Versions older than BMR 7.0.1 also supported floppy as a boot media if you selected the Legacy OS-based Restore option, on Windows platform.


The Legacy OS-based Restore of Windows Server 2008 SP2 systems can be done with a Legacy OS-based SRT that is at Windows Server 2008 SP1 level. The Prepare To Restore command allows this special scenario.


In BMR 7.0.1, floppy-based restore is not supported on Windows platform.

In BMR 7.0.1, you can boot BMR clients only with the following options on Windows platform:


In BMR 7.0.1, because of the elimination of PC-DOS, you do not need to create Boot Floppy. Therefore the Legacy Boot Floppy Wizard link on the Boot Server Assistant screen is removed.