Restoring AIX with media boot


If NetBackup access management is used in your environment, you must provide the appropriate credentials when prompted so that NetBackup can restore the client files.

An AIX boot (either network boot or media boot) may set the network interface configuration, speed, and duplex mode to auto-negotiate or 10 half duplex. This may cause the BMR restore to run much more slowly than expected. To achieve normal restore performance, manually set the network interface configuration through the firmware before a BMR restore.

To media boot an AIX client

  1. Prepare to restore the client, using the SRT you created on the bootable media.

  2. Boot the client from the boot media you created. For instructions on how to boot from a CD or from a DVD, see the IBM hardware documentation.

  3. The BMR process prompts you for the following:

    • Client name (for a discovery boot, enter the client's name as it appears in the Tasks view from the prepare to discover operation)

    • Client IP address

    • Network mask

    • Default gateway

    • NetBackup master server name

    • NetBackup master server IP address

    • NetBackup master server gateway IP address

    After you enter the required information, the restore begins.

More Information

Preparing to restore a client