Save custom files

The following information applies only to UNIX and Linux clients.

Usually, NetBackup restores client files as the last step in the restore process. You can specify custom files on the client so they are available in the temporary operating system environment on the client during the restore process.

For example, a specific device driver configuration from a protected client is required in the temporary operating system. You can specify those device driver files so they are included in the restore environment.

Custom files are saved as part of the client's configuration. Specify the custom files in the following text file on the client:


Specify one custom file per line, using the full path name to the file. Use a pound sign (#) as the first character of comment lines.

After custom files are saved (when the client is backed up), they are copied to the SRT. They are available during the restore when you enable the SRT for exclusive use. More information is available on how to enable the SRT.

When you specify a custom file, it does not remove it from backups. Custom files are also backed up by NetBackup and then restored when NetBackup restores the client files. (They are backed up and restored if the files or their directories are included in the backup directives of the policy).

More Information

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