Performing restores using the target method

NetBackup restores files according to the original file path name. If existing files have the same names as backed up files, you can choose whether or not to overwrite files (file permissions must also allow overwriting). If you need to restore to a different location than from where the data was originally backed up, see Redirecting restores.

To perform a restore using the target method

  • On the Main Menu, type r.

The Restore Backups menu appears.

  • Check the following criteria at the top of the Restore Backups menu to ensure that it is appropriate for the restores you are going to perform. Use the corresponding option to change these values. For more information about Restore Backups menu options, see Using the restore backups menu.
    Table 5-22 Restore Backups menu options 
    The directory at which you want to start the search for the desired images. The search begins in the specified directory and goes down the directory tree. At start up, the current path is set to /. To change the path, type p (Change Path) and follow the prompts. To search for a specific file, type its complete path at the prompt.
    Start Date and End Date
    The range of dates must include the backup dates of the files you want to restore. At start up, the Start Date is the most recent full backup date in the NetBackup database. The End Date is 23:59:59 of the current day. To change the range of dates, type d and follow the prompts (also see Using the restore backups menu). To view the backup dates of the available backup images, type l.
    Master Server
    This is the NetBackup master server that has the database you will be browsing for targets to restore.
    Browse Client
    This is the NetWare Client whose backup images you are currently browsing. You must have the necessary permissions from the administrator on the master server to browse clients other than the one where you are running NetBackup.
    Browse Target
    This is the selected target that you will be restoring.
  • On the Restore Backups menu, type s to initiate a search of the NetBackup backup images for files and directories that belong to the target and meet the path and date criteria.

When the search is complete, the Search screen shows the results of the search.

Note: If you are restoring an entire directory and the range of dates includes more than one backup date for files in the directory, NetBackup restores only the most recent backups. To restore earlier versions, you can to either of the following:

Restore by file rather than by directory and select the files with the desired backup date.


Return to step 2 and search only the specific backup dates you desire. Here, you can restore the entire directory. However, before proceeding, ensure that you want to overwrite all files in that directory with the earlier version.
  • Use the menu options at the bottom of the Search screen to browse and select the desired files and directories from the backup images.

When you are through selecting, type O (for Ok) to return to the previous menu.

  • Type r to initiate the restore.
  • When prompted, type y if you want to overwrite existing files; otherwise, type n.
  • When prompted, type y if you want to use progress logs; otherwise, type n. For more information about progress logs, see Using log files.
  • If you selected to use progress logs, verify the default path listed is correct, or enter a new path, and then press Enter.
  • Type y to initiate the restore.
  • After the restore operation is successfully initiated, press Enter to return to the Restore Backups menu.

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