Full-text catalog directory structure

A full-text catalog consists of a root directory, subdirectories, and dozens of files. SQL Server names the root full-text directory that is based on the directory name the end-user gives. Typically, the directory name is the same as the index name, but SQL Server may alter if there are name conflicts. For example, consider if there is a full-text catalog named 'cats' for database ONE. Then a user creates a second database named 'cats' for database TWO. SQL Server creates a root full-text directory named 'cats0000' for the second full-text catalog.

SQL Server also creates a logical file to contain full-text catalogs. The logical file is named as sysft_full-text catalog name. For example, in the previous example, the "cats" catalog would be contained by sysft_cats. This name has import for the database move operation.

SQL Server places the full-text catalog directory into the following path by default:


For instance, in the previous example, the cats directory for database TWO is placed into a path such as:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\FTData\cats0000\

However, when you perform a database move command, you can establish the path at the location of your choosing.

One additional characteristic of the full-text catalog is its association with a filegroup. By default, the association is made with the primary filegroup. However, you can also select a different filegroup for which to make the association.