Shortcut menu

To access the shortcut menu, position the mouse pointer in a pane and right-click.

Table: Shortcut menu options describes the available options depending on which pane is active.

Table: Shortcut menu options



Add to Exclude List

Adds the selected items to the Exclude File List.

See Exclude List tab.

Add to Include List

Adds the selected items to the Include File List.

See Include List tab.

Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type

Opens the Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type dialog box where you can specify servers, clients, and policy types.

Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type dialog box


Opens a submenu that contains the following view options:

  • List - displays only the names of the items.

  • Details - displays the names and other information.


Opens a submenu that contains the following column options:

  • Layout - opens the Column Layout dialog box.

    See Column Layout dialog box.

  • Even Size - adjusts all columns to equal widths.

  • Proportional Size - adjusts the columns proportionally.

  • Fixed Size - adjusts all columns to a fixed width.

  • Size to Data - adjusts all columns to the width of the data.

  • Zoom In - expands column widths.

  • Zoom Out - reduces column widths.


Opens the Set Sort Criteria dialog box where you can change how information is sorted to help find files.

See Sort dialog box.


Opens a submenu that contains the following options:

  • Find - opens the Find dialog box.

    See Find dialog box.

  • Find Next - finds the next item that matches the criteria that is specified in the Find dialog box.

  • Find Previous - finds the previous item that matches the criteria that is specified in the Find dialog box.

  • Find All - finds all items that match the criteria that is specified in theFind dialog box.


Opens a submenu that contains the following options:

  • Reload from Default - loads the default window settings.

  • Save as Default - saves the current window settings as the default.

  • Save on Exit - saves the window-specific settings , such as the View, Columns and Sort options on exit.