Path rules for Microsoft Windows file backups

Microsoft Windows path conventions, UNIX path conventions, or a combination of the two can be used in the backup selections list.

The following conventions can be used in the backup selections list:

Microsoft Windows conventions

  • Enter one path per line.

  • Begin all paths with the drive letter followed by a colon (:) and a backslash (\).

    The drive letter is case-insensitive, however, the path is case sensitive. For example, c:\Worklists\Admin\

    To specify an entire volume, append a backslash (\) to the entry to ensure that all data is protected on that volume:

    Correct entry:


    Incorrect entry:

  • Precede each component in the path with a backslash.

    If the last component in the path is a directory, follow it with a backslash (\) as well. The trailing backslash is not required but serves as a reminder that the path is to a directory instead of a file: c:\users\net1\

    If the last component is a file, include the file extension and omit the backslash from the end of the name: c:\special\list.txt

  • Allowable wildcard characters are the same as those allowed in Windows paths: * ?

    See Wildcards in NetBackup.

  • To back up all local drives except for those that use removable media, specify:




    The following drives are not backed up: Floppy disks, CD-ROMs, and any drives that are located on remote systems but mounted on a system through the network.

  • By default, NetBackup does not back up some files.

    See Files that are excluded from backups by default.

  • Exclude specific files from backups by creating an exclusion list on the client.

    See Excluding files from automatic backups.

    The following backup selection list uses Microsoft Windows conventions:


UNIX conventions that are permitted on Windows

UNIX conventions are similar to those for Microsoft Windows, with the following exceptions:

  • Begin each line with a forward slash (/).

  • Omit the colon (:) after the drive letter.

  • Specify / to back up all local drives except for those that are removable.

The following example uses UNIX conventions:


More Information

About the Backup Selections tab

Changing backup selections for standard policies

Changing backup selections for database policies

Changing backup selections for Oracle or DB2 policies

Reducing backup time

Verifying the backup selections list

Path rules for Windows disk image (Raw) backups

Path rules for Windows registry backup

Hard links to files (NTFS volumes or UNIX)

Pathname rules for UNIX clients

About the path rules for NetWare NonTarget clients

Path rules for NetWare Target clients

Path rules for clients that run extension products

Backup selections list directives

Files that are excluded from backups by default

Backup selections list directives for multiple data streams