Finding potential free space on a BasicDisk disk staging storage unit

Potential free space is the amount of space on a disk staging storage unit that NetBackup could free if extra space on the volume is needed. The space is the total size of the images that are eligible for expiration plus the images ready to be deleted on the volume.

To find the potential free space on a BasicDisk storage unit, use the bpstulist and the nbdevquery commands. Note that the name of the storage unit and disk pools are case sensitive.

Run bpstulist -label to find the disk pool name. In the case of BasicDisk storage units, the name of the disk pool is the same as the name of the BasicDisk storage unit. In the following example, the name of the storage unit is NameBasic:

bpstulist -label basic
NameBasic 0 server1 0 -1 -1 1 0 "C:\" 1 1 524288 *NULL* 0 1 0 98 80 0 NameBasic server1

Run the nbdevquery command to display the status for the disk pool, including the potential free space. Use the following options, where:

-stype server_type

Specifies the vendor-specific string that identifies the storage server type. For a BasicDisk storage unit, enter BasicDisk.


Specifies the disk pool name. For a basic disk type, the disk pool name is the name of the BasicDisk storage unit.

nbdevquery -listdv -stype BasicDisk -dp NameBasic -D

The value is listed as potential_free_space.

Disk Volume Dump
  name				: <Internal_16>
  id				: <C:\>
  diskpool			: <NameBasic::server1::BasicDisk>
  disk_media_id	 : <@aaaaf>
  total_capacity	: 0
  free_space		: 0
  potential_free_space: 0
  committed_space	 : 0
  precommitted_space  : 0
  nbu_state		 : 2
  sts_state		 : 0
  flags			 : 0x6
  num_read_mounts	 : 0
  max_read_mounts	 : 0
  num_write_mounts	: 1
  max_write_mounts	: 1
  system_tag		: <Generic disk volume>

More Information

Creating a basic disk staging storage unit

About the Disk Staging Schedule dialog box

Name field

Final destination storage unit

Final destination volume pool

Final destination media owner