Changing the deduplication disk volume state

The disk volume state is UP or DOWN.

To change the state to DOWN, the disk pool in which the volume resides must not be busy. If backup jobs are assigned to the disk pool, the state change fails. Cancel the backup jobs or wait until the jobs complete.

To change the deduplication disk volume state

  1. Determine the name of the disk volume. The following command lists all volumes in the specified disk pool:

    install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbdev query -listdv -stype PureDisk -dp disk_pool_name

    To display the disk volumes in all disk pools, omit the -dp option.

  2. Change the disk volume state; the following is the command syntax:

    install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbdevconfig -changestate -stype PureDisk -dp disk_pool_name - dv vol_name -state state

    The state is either UP or DOWN.