About Keep true image restoration (TIR) information

The Keep true image restoration information property specifies the number of days to keep true image restore information on disk. After the specified number of days, the images are pruned (removed). The property applies to all policies for which NetBackup collects true image restore information. The default is one day.

When NetBackup performs a true image backup, it stores the following images on the backup media:

NetBackup also stores the true image restore information on disk in the install_path\NetBackup\db\images directory. NetBackup retains the information for the number of days that this property specifies.

To keep the information on disk speeds up restores. If a user requests a true image restore after the information was deleted from disk, NetBackup retrieves the required information from the media. The only noticeable difference to the user is a slight increase in total restore time. NetBackup deletes the additional information from disk again after one day.