Help Mode

"Help Mode", activated with the "-h" switch, offers users the possibility to access "quick reference" help topics displayed to the console output.
The help topics, selectable through additional command-line arguments, are:

General Usage Help

The Log Parser command-line executable usage help is accessed with the following command:

C:\>LogParser -h

Query Language Syntax Help

The Log Parser SQL-Like language syntax help is accessed with the following command:

C:\>LogParser -h GRAMMAR

Functions Syntax Help

The Log Parser SQL-Like language functions syntax help is accessed with commands having the following syntax:

LogParser -h FUNC[TIONS] [ <function> ]
Typing the following command will display the syntax for all the functions available in the Log Parser SQL-Like language:
C:\>LogParser -h FUNCTIONS
Typing a function name following the help command displays the syntax of the selected function only:
Typing the first few letters of a function name displays the syntax of all the functions whose name starts with the specified letters:
C:\>LogParser -h FUNCTIONS STR

Input and Output Formats Help

Input and output formats help is displayed with commands having the following syntax:

LogParser -h -i:<input_format> [ <from_entity> ] [ <input_format_options> ]
LogParser -h -o:<output_format>
For example, the following command displays help on the IISW3C input format:
C:\>LogParser -h -i:IISW3C
The output of this command gives a detailed overview of the IISW3C input format, including the syntax of the
<from_entity>, a list of all the supported properties together with their default values, the structure of the records produced by the input format (field names and types), and examples of queries using the input format.

When an input format retrieves field information from the data that needs to be parsed, the help command can include the from-entity from which the field information is to be gathered.
For example, the CSV input format examines the input files to retrieve the names and types of the input record fields that will be exported. A help command aimed at displaying the input record fields exported by the CSV input format when parsing a specific file should include the filename from-entity, as shown in the following example:
C:\>LogParser -h -i:CSV TestLogFile.csv
In addition, since the parameters of some input formats can affect the structure of the input records, help commands can include these parameters to display the varying input record structures.
For example, the NETMON input format has a "fMode" parameter that can be used to specify how the input records should be structured. A help command aimed at displaying the input record fields exported by the NETMON input format when the "fMode" parameter is set to "TCPConn" should include this parameter, as shown in the following example:
C:\>LogParser -h -i:NETMON -fMode:TCPConn

Conversion Mode Help

Conversion mode help is accessed with commands having the following syntax:

LogParser -h -c [ -i:<input_format> -o:<output_format> ]
The following command displays general conversion mode help, including the list of available built-in conversion queries:
C:\>LogParser -h -c
The following command displays help on the conversion between the specified log file formats, including the full text of the built-in query that performs the conversion:
C:\>LogParser -h -c -i:BIN -o:W3C

Query Examples Help

Examples of queries and commands can be displayed with the following command:

C:\>LogParser -h EXAMPLES

See also:

Command-Line Operation Reference

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