Step 6: Configure “Capture Drivers”

This step occurs in the DS Console. Because of the nature of this task, one job “fits all” and only need be configured once. There may be some confusion when opening this task because of the use of Conditions. The “Default” condition is displayed with essentially no tasks, because this is what executes if none of the other defined conditions are met. This step of the process is to configure correctly the other conditions.

The job is found in the Jobs window of the 32bit DS Console under \Samples\Hardware Independent Imaging\*Capture Drivers for Hardware Independent Imaging (See the image below)

  1. Highlight the job.

  2. Select the Run Script Capture Drivers task, and then click Modify.

  3. Click Next and then Specify user.

  4. Delete the “.” And enter the Username and Password of a domain account that has read/write access to the Deployment share and Administrative privileges on the client computers.

  5. Click OK and then Finish.

< Step 5 | Step 7 >