Important notes for moving from an evaluation to a production environment

SQL Server sort order

If you plan on backing up and restoring your evaluation database, your production SQL Server will need to have the same sort order as the MSDE or SQL Server Express installation you used during evaluation. To determine the sort order of your production server, execute the built-in sp_helpsort SQL Server stored procedure. The results must match the defaults for MSDE or SQL Server Express, which are:

Latin1-General, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order 52 on Code Page 1252 for non-Unicode Data

You can check your database sort order using either SQL Server Query Analyzer, SQL Server Management Studio, or the command line SQL query processor, osql.exe. The syntax for using osql.exe is:

osql -U username -P password -Q "exec sp_helpsort"

username = a username that has access to the database
password = password for the above user name

For example:

osql -U sa -P pwd54321 -Q "exec sp_helpsort"

If the sort ordering information is not the same, you will not be able to use your evaluation database as a starting point for your production system. In that case, please follow the instructions for a full reinstall.

Note: Although you do not need to enter an administrator's user name and password above, you will need administrators credentials if you want to actually restore the database.

Deleting the original Express evaluation database

Once you have successfully redeployed your Express system, you may safely delete your original Express evaluation database. To remove an evaluation database you are no longer using, you can either use the SQL Server Enterprise Manager or SQL Server Management Studio, or issue the following SQL command to the database server on which the database was installed:

DROP DATABASE <database-name>

You must access the database server using administrator credentials to perform this operation. Express Software Manager includes a simple utility that enables you to issue SQL commands against a database:

  1. Open a DOS box in the \Program Files\Express Metrix\<version number>\Database folder.

  2. Issue the following command:

emsql.exe /g /s <database-server> /u <admin-username>

/p <admin-password> /Q “DROP DATABASE <database-name>”


<database-server> the name of the machine on which your evaluation database is installed

<admin-username> the SQL Server administrator account, normally "sa"

<admin-password> the administrator account password

<database-name> the name of your evaluation Express Database

Uninstalling MSDE/SQL Server Express

You may also wish to uninstall MSDE from your local workstation. Other vendors do use MSDE within their applications so make sure that it is not being used by any other programs before uninstalling.