Creating tags

You can also set up a secondary set of marks, called tags, which reviewers can assign to the items in a review set. In earlier versions of Discovery Accelerator, tags were called extra marks.

Tags differ from marks in that reviewers can assign multiple tags to an item, but they can assign one mark only. In addition, a reviewer who assigns a mark to an item also assigns the associated status to it. This is not the case with tags, which do not have an associated status.

You must have the application permission Manage Marks to create tags that are available for use in all cases. However, you require the permission Manage Marks/Tags in a case to create a tag that is available for use in that case only.

To create a tag

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To create a tag that is available for use in all cases, click the Application tab in the Discovery Accelerator client, and then click the Tags tab.

    • To create a tag that is available for use in one case only, click the Cases tab and then click the required case in the left pane. Then click the Tags tab.

      If Discovery Accelerator lists a lot of cases, you can filter the list with the fields at the top of the pane. As well as filtering the cases by name, you can choose whether to list any research folders that are associated with them.

  2. Click New Tag. Alternatively, select an existing tag and then click Copy to create a new tag that is based on the properties of the old one.

  3. Type a name for the new tag and a description, if required.

    The tag names appear as options in a pop-up window at the bottom of the Review pane. Therefore, it is advisable to keep them short. Discovery Accelerator displays the descriptions as tool tips when you hover the mouse pointer over the tag labels.

  4. In the Access Key box, type a shortcut key combination to associate with the tag.

    When reviewers press an access key combination, they can assign a specific tag to an item in the Review pane.

  5. In the Roles box, select the default user roles with which to associate the tag. Users who occupy these roles can apply this tag to the items that they review.

  6. Click Apply.

More Information

About the Discovery Accelerator permissions

Creating tag groups