Creating and running Discovery Accelerator searches

You must have the Search permission in a case or folder to create and run a search in it. If you have the Search Preview permission, you can preview the results of a search before you accept them.

To create and run a Discovery Accelerator search

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To create a search that runs in a case, click the Case tab in the Discovery Accelerator client and then click the required case in the left pane.

    • To create a search that runs in a research folder, click the Research tab in the Discovery Accelerator client and then click the required folder in the left pane.

    If Discovery Accelerator lists a lot of cases and folders, you can filter the list with the fields at the top of the pane.

  2. Click the Searches tab.

  3. Click New Search.

  4. If you are creating a search that runs in a research folder, and you clicked All Research in the left pane, Discovery Accelerator prompts you to select a case with which to associate the search. Make your selection, and then click Search.

  5. Enter the required search criteria.

  6. Click Save to start an immediate search or queue a scheduled search to start automatically at the appointed time.

    Discovery Accelerator displays a preview list as soon as it finds a search result. You can immediately begin to read items from the preview display, and, if necessary, stop a search that does not return the results that you expect. Then you can refine the search criteria and perform the search again.

  7. When the search has completed, choose whether to accept or reject the results. Note the following:

    • Discovery Accelerator does not add the captured items to the review set until you accept the search results. If you did not check Automatically accept search results, you must manually accept or reject the results.

    • The options to assign a default mark and reviewer to the search results apply only to newly discovered items. If the search results include items that you have previously captured and added to the review set, these items retain their assigned marks and reviewers.

      The option to keep existing marks applies only to those items to which reviewers have already assigned marks in another case.

    • If you reject the results of a search, Discovery Accelerator deletes it.

    • It is important that search results make sense because, after you accept the search, you cannot undo it.

More Information

About the search criteria options

Pausing and resuming Discovery Accelerator searches

About the Discovery Accelerator permissions

How retained marks work

Selecting the archives in which to search

Building Discovery Accelerator search schedules

Defining email targets with Address Manager